Exterior Detail

Experience the Joy of Driving a Gleaming Car with Enhanced Paint Protection in Dallas, TX

Do you drive your car on a daily basis? Do you park in a garage, or on the street? How often do you wax your car? Wherever you park or drive, there are specific areas that will accrue damage over time. Often, the damage is unavoidable if the vehicle is not maintained regularly.

 We make getting your car washed and waxed very easy. We will come to your home, office, or apartment and work hard to hit the reset button on your car while you do whatever you want. 

 Our process for washing the exterior of your vehicle is very thoughtful and systematic. Each section of your car will be thoroughly detailed and decontaminated in the safest way, delivering amazing results. You will never find new scratches on your wheels, paint, and interior surfaces. We know you worry about finding a detailer you can trust to take care of your car.

​Over time, daily driving can lead to issues like etchings on your paint, scratches, tar etching, brake dust corrosion, and general wear. Our thoughtful and meticulous process addresses and prevents these problems. Your car is in the best hands.

Exterior Detailing Process:

  • Wheel, tire, & wheel well detail and protection

  • Complete exterior hand-wash

  • Bug detail

  • Door Jamb detail

  • Road tar, tree sap, bird dropping removal

  • Black trim dressing & protection

  • 3-month sealant paint protection (like wax)


Additional Exterior Detailing Services:

  • Clay Bar (paint exfoliation)

  • One-Step Gloss/Paint Enhancement (polish for deep shine)

  • Ceramic Coating

  • Engine Bay Detail

Each section of your car will be thoughtfully cleaned, detailed, and decontaminated using the softest wash pads and brushes. We deliver amazing results.

We will start by peeling the dirt off your tires and removing the brake dust from your wheels. Before we touch the body of your vehicle, we will pre-soak it to loosen the dirt and grime, rinse it off, and begin the wash process using the softest wash mitts and detail brushes. The bug guts, tree sap, and bird poop are taken care of. We then apply a hand wax providing protection for the next 8-12 weeks. Your tires and black trim will be dressed, and your car will look fantastic. Get ready to fall in love with it again! This is all done while you go about your day however you want because we are mobile and come to your location.

Exterior Detail FAQs

 How much do you charge?

My prices are based on the size, make, model, and condition of your vehicle. Pricing for vehicles with excessive dirt and staining will increase the price. You can see my prices here: Exterior Detail Pricing, Interior Detail Pricing, Complete Detail Pricing.

​Do you come to me?
Yes, I'm a 100% mobile auto detailer. I come to your home, apartment, or work location.

​How long does the Exterior Detail take? And why does it take so long?
It takes us somewhere between 1 1/2 to 3 hours to wash the exterior of your car depending on the size and condition of your vehicle. It takes us that long because we pay close attention to every detail. Not only that, we make sure we never add additional scratches or other damage to your vehicle. 

Do you need access to water and power?

Yes, we are able to fit everything we need to detail your car into our vehicle, except a water tank and generator. We will need to use a water spigot and electric outlet.