Exterior Detail Pricing

Our prices are based on doing everything that is needed, and nothing that is not. We will raise your car to the highest level of perfection that is within the realm of possibility. Once we hit the "reset button" on the exterior and interior of your car, we can come back once a week, every two/three weeks, or once a month at a discounted flat rate to keep it maintained and shining at the highest level. We just want to make it super easy for you to keep things clean. Alternatively, if you are going to only want your car detailed a few times per year, we will be ready. (This service takes about 2 hours depending on size and condition)

2 Door Coupe: $60

4 Door Sedan: $70

Pickup/ SUV (2-Row): $80

Large Truck/ SUV (3-Row): $90

Minivan: $100

**Prices listed above are minimums based on cars that are in new to average condition

Additional Services

  • Ceramic Coating

  • Paint Enhancement/ Polish

  • Clay Bar/ Iron Decontamination (paint exfoliation)

  • Headlight Restoration

  • Engine Bay Detail